
Photo: Niko Ahokangas, from Them Merphing Live
Photo: Niko Ahokangas, from Them Merphing Live
Photo: Kati Korosuo, from a DTB workshop
Photo: Kati Korosuo, from a DTB workshop

Here you can find my latest writings:

1. MA Thesis (in Finnish, abstract in English + Simple Finnish)

Choreographer's Pedagogy: The accessibility of Dances to a Beat (DTB) method in the context of inclusive dance-making (2024). This thesis as a part of my Dance Pedagogy studies at the University of the Arts Helsinki.

2. Seminar work (in Finnish)

"Mitä on DTB? – erään hetkessä syntyvän koreografian metodin pääkohdista, taustoista ja mahdollisuuksista" (2022). This seminar work is a part of my Dance Pedagogy studies at the University of the Arts Helsinki.