Dances to a Beat (DTB)
Dances to a Beat (DTB) is a method for both creating instant choreography and practicing dance. I developed DTB in 2013 and been working with it since, in extremely various contexts. So far I've taught 80 different courses and workshops to about 1000 people in all over the world. Based on the practice, I've also created four choreographic works for professional dancers in the field of contemporary dance.
The basic elements of DTB are improvisation, repetition and rhythm. The method trains many kinesthetic skills, including precision of movement, articulate musicality, and diverse expressiveness and creativity. The method challenges its practitioners to stay in the moment, to refuse to judge themselves and their own choices, and to intuitively trust the information built into their bodies. In DTB, everyone's own emotional and bodily history are simultaneously present and releasable.
In DTB it's possible for both the dancer and the viewer to 'zoom in' at the created moment. The method works like a magnifying glass, through which the meaning suggested by each movement is highlighted. Thus DTB is interesting both to practice and to watch: the uniqueness of each movement comes out when repeated within the exact time frame provided by the beat of the music. In this way the method challenges the traditional understanding of the hierarchy between movements, and brings forth new questions about what kind of movements are 'good' or 'interesting'. Although the method is highly accessible - the basics of DTB are easy to learn without any previous dance training - yet the professional dancers who have worked with the method, have found it very complex. The specialness of DTB is therefore here: in its kinesthetic multidimensionality and depth, as well as in the variety of its application possibilities.
As a practice of dissolving hierarchies, DTB helps to understand and appreciate the importance of the individual as a part of the whole, and on the other hand, it makes you see the whole as the sum of individual parts and factors. People who have practiced DTB describe it most often as "inspiring", "liberating" and "fun".
Due to my experience as teaching the method plus based on the feedback I've received, I believe DTB has a very unique approach to dance, both as in the contemporary dance scene and in the dance world in general.
The title 'Dances to a Beat' is loosely inspired by a quote from Jonathan Burrows in his book 'A Choreographer's Handbook': "The desire of contemporary dance to assert itself as an art form in its own right, separate form music, has led it to let go of pulse as an organizing principle of time. This is a strange perversion and a joyous one. Most of the world dances to a beat." (Burrows, 2010, 125) Dances to a Beat problematizes this condition that Burrows describes by operating bluntly with music that has a beat.
Dances to a Beat was chosen as one of the leading artistic programs of Höyhentämö - Pluckhouse theater associaton for the years 2017-2021.
Samples of practicing DTB can be found on my Vimeo account.
Info about upcoming events can be found from the DTB group on Facebook.
A more detailed description of the practice can be found from a seminar work I've written as a part of my Dance Pedagogue studies at the University of the Arts Helsinki, "Mitä on DTB - erään hetkessä syntyvän koreografian metodin pääkohdista, taustoista ja mahdollisuuksista" (2022):
Since 2013 I've taught open classes, workshops and courses about DTB altogether 80 entities, in 54 different contexts and in nine different countries:
Live Vocational College, Espoo, Finland
Helsinki Summer University, Helsinki, Finland
Live Vocational College, Espoo, Finland
Open University, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Private Event, Helsinki, Finland
Joint Studies, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki Summer University, Helsinki, Finland
BA Program in Performing Arts / Dance Teacher, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland
Service home Foibekartano, Vantaa, Finland
MA Program in Dance Pedagogy, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Tanssivintti, Helsinki, Finland
Zodiak - Centre for New Dance, Helsinki, Finland
Service home Kotivalli, Sipoo, Finland
Service home Foibekartano, Vantaa, Finland
Yoga centre Syvyys, Kokkola, Finland
Yoga centre Syvyys, Kokkola, Finland
Artistic Teamwork and Performance course, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Tanssivintti, Helsinki, Finland
Höyhentämö/ Indictus Studio, Helsinki, Finland
Programs for Directing & Dramaturgy and playwriting, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Programs for Directing & Dramaturgy and playwriting, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland
Dance and Theatre Program, The Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia, Kälviä, Finland
Fullsteam Agency Oy, Zodiak - Centre for New Dance, Helsinki, Finland
Höyhentämö Staff, TeatteriIImiÖ, Helsinki, Finland
Theatre Program, The Finnish Bible Institute, Kauniainen, Finland
Private Event, Hamina, Finland
Höyhentämö - Pluckhouse, Helsinki, Finland
El Teatrito + Sonido del Musica, Xela, Guatemala
Mystical Yoga Farm, Santiago, Guatemala
Christian American School Carretera, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Programs for Directing & Dramaturgy and playwriting, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland
Dance and Theatre Program, The Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia, Kälviä, Finland
X Dance Festival, Helsinki, Finland
Devising-course, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Höyhentämö - Pluckhouse, Helsinki, Finland
Theatre Program, The Finnish Bible Institute, Kauniainen, Finland
Athentikos: I AM ART Oasis, San Lucas Sacatepéquez, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Jungle School, Petén, Guatemala
Programs for Directing & Dramaturgy and playwriting, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland
Tanzinwinterthur & Tanztheater Dito, Winterthur, Switzerland
WILD CARD, Tanzhaus Zürich, Switzerland
Höyhentämö - Pluckhouse, Helsinki, Finland
LIFE dance camp, Loov Impulss, Saue, Estonia
Athentikos: I AM ART Casa Bernabé, Fraijanes, Guatemala
Marc and Daves, Tola, Nicaragua
BYRON, New Jersey, USA
Tanssivintti, Helsinki, Finland
LOIKKA Dance Film Festival, Helsinki, Finland
Väsyneiden talo, Helsinki, Finland
Oivakoulutus, Finland
Athentikos: I AM ART Vidas Plenas, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Artes Muy Especiales, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Centro de Alcance, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Unlimited Dance Academy, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Oasis - Center for Girls, San Lucas Sacatepéquez, Guatemala
Centro del Alcance, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Ballet Moderno y Folklórico National de Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Artes Muy Especiales, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Artes Muy Especiales, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Escuela Normal De Música Jésus María Alvarado, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Casa Bernabé, Fraijanes, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Oasis, San Lucas Sacatepéquez, Guatemala
Open University, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Ballsaal Tanzwerkstatt Nina Stadler, Bern, Switzerland
Kibbutz Heftziba, Israel
anssi Teellä Festival, Pori, Finland
elecTRICity festival, LéSPACE, Helsinki, Finland
Tanssivintti, Helsinki, Finland
TREenit ry, Tampere, Finland
Restaurant Pacifico, Helsinki, Finland
Otaniemi Pop Up Livingroom, Espoo, Finland
Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki, Finland
LIFE camp, SEKL, Ryttylä, Finland
Tanztheater Dito, Winterthur, Switzerland
Tanssille ry, Helsinki, Finland
Side Step Festival, Helsinki, Finland
Zodiak - Center for New Dance, Helsinki, Finland
Residenz Tanz Leuk, Leuk, Switzerland
UrbanApa TOOLBOX #2, DCA, Helsinki, Finland
Une université d'été parisienne Récollets, Paris, France
Volksroom The Ivo Dimchev Space, Brussels, Belgium
Project Tanzhaus Zürich, Tanzhaus Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Here are some articles/papers written about DTB in Finnish:
1. Kati Korosuo: "Koreografin pedagogiikkaa : Dances to a Beat (DTB) -metodin saavutettavuuden tarkastelua inklusiivisen tanssintekemisen kontekstissa"
2. Kati Korosuo: "Mitä on DTB? – erään hetkessä syntyvän koreografian metodin pääkohdista, taustoista ja mahdollisuuksista"
Them Merphing Live (2024), a version of Them Merphing for Dance Students at Live Vocational College, Espoo, Finland
Them Merphing Too (2022), a version of Them Merphing for Tanssivintti Dance School students, Helsinki, Finland
Group piece on stage + online stream: Them Merphing (2021) Puppet Theatre Sampo, Helsinki, Finland
Contemporary dance installation to different gallery spaces: M3 (2017) Galleries Pirkko-Liisa Topelius and G12, Helsinki, Finland
A duet on stage: Merphing 2 (2015) Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki/ Festival of Instant Choreography, Helsinki, Finland
A duet on stage: Merphing (2015) Pacifico, Helsinki/ anssi Teellä Festival, Pori, Finland
There's been made altogether fifteen different demos, based on DTB, shown with different groups and in different contexts:
Joint Studies, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Merphing FOREVER demo performance, Höyhentämö - Pluckhouse, Helsinki, Finland
Athentikos: I AM ART Jungle School, Petén, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Casa Bernabé, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Oasis, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Vidas Plenas, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Casa Bernabé, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Athentikos: I AM ART Oasis, Guatemala City, Guatemala
LIFE camp, SEKL, Ryttylä, Finland
Open University, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Residenz Tanz Leuk, Leuk, Switzerland
Amorph!14 ArtBus, Helsinki, Finland
Volksroom The Ivo Dimchev Space, Brussels, Belgium
UrbanApa TaideOlohuone, Ateneum, Helsinki, Finland
Eskus DemoNights, The Performance Art Centre - Eskus, Helsinki, Finland

"Usually I've always hated all dance things, but this was so different, this was extremely fun!"
"Wonderfully fresh way to approach dance. Working with rhythm felt wonderfully liberating."
"I've never been so scared and so excited at the same time in my life."
"Really awesome, really freeing, really fun."
"Absolutely incredible. I found that it stretched me in so many ways out of my comfort zone. Yet in each area that I got stretched I felt comfortable and realised into stepping pass what has been previously a box."
"The idea of acceptance resonated wonderfully."
"The method can best be described by saying that it is a dance self-care method that improves your attitude towards your own personality, your mind, your habits and your body, but also your attitude towards other people and relationships, those who dance next to you or those who live far away."
"DTB is BRILLIANT! I'm in Love! Such an amazing weekend and such wonderful moments. This experience inspires a lot and stays in the heart for a long time! <3"
"I can't remember the last time I was so present in the moment. Feels so great."
"Expectations were exceeded! I sort of had an idea of what to expect, but the experience was all the more amazing. An ingenious method!"
"This method seems to present the themes of precision and repetition in such ways that create space and allowance in the artistic work."
"Well this could have continued forever!"
"With your guidance, you know how to create such a wonderful atmosphere and space for freedom and creation that creativity takes flight and the whole soul enjoys!"
"Kati, your presence and enthusiasm is absolutely wonderful! Thank you <3"
"Kati is just fantastic, if you ever get the chance to take a DTB class, do it!"
"Dear colleagues. I have always said that every dancer should attend Ervi Sirén's classes at least once in their life. But now I say, apply for Kati's courses as well!"
"I participated in a DTB workshop in September and I want to tell you how inspiring it was. DTB is both approachable and enjoyable, but also wonderfully challenging for the mind and body if we want to. I felt that I was at the same time working with very familiar things, but they were approached from a new, inspiring point of view. Thank you, Kati Korosuo!"